Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men
Young men need more than the world is providing.
Where will they find their self-confidence in uncertain times? How will they learn to treat women well? How will they deal with guilt, anxiety, troubles, and bullying? What will help them navigate social media and video game influences? How will they hone relationship skills? How will they learn about the gift of prayer and the strengthening presence of Jesus? How will they have hope that lasts forever and help that rescues them from despair?
"Faith Notes: A Christ-Centered Survival Kit for Young Men" provides young men what they need to grow, thrive, and be a blessing to the world.
The book offers 12 survival kits:
-Family and Home
-The Body
-Virtual Life
-Thoughts and Feelings
-Spiritual Life
-The Future
A comprehensive index of subjects and 52 Bible verses for life are also included.​
Young men need more than this world gives. Help them receive the best--so they can be the best!
192 pages